• 100%
    No precipitation after dissolution

Miro Nutrition Facts

Nutrition facts per every 100 g

Milk Fat 26-28 %
protein 24-28 %
Lactose 36-42 %
Minerals 5-6 %
Moisture 3-4 %
Lecithin added 0.2 %
Vitamin A 1600 I.U
Vitamin D 400 I.U

Benefits of Full Cream Miro Milk

Miro Full cream is one of our spectacular products as it can be used in lots of different ways. Miro has plenty of nutrition benefits as it contains vitamins A, D3 which are needed for bone health and teeth also very essential for children to build their bodies and bones.

Miro Milk Powder is not only for drinking plain milk as you can add it to a cup of water along with a tea packet , you can also add Miro full cream Milk powder to some coffee and get the best cappuccino or latte drink.

Miro Milk Powder can be used in cooking where it adds unforgettable taste to any dish; we always seek to come up with new cooking ideas in which you can use milk to get full nutritional benefits with a delicious taste.

Miro Full Cream Milk powder has many advantages as:

. it makes no precipitation after dissolution.
. it has excellent solubility in both hot and cold water.
. it has no artificial additives.
. it produced from 100 % natural milk.

Miro Full Cream Brochure

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